
libreport-plugin-virtuozzo - Virtuozzo problem reporting script and libreport event handler

License: GPLv2
Vendor: Virtuozzo
This package contains Virtuozzo problem reporter and libreport event handler


libreport-plugin-virtuozzo-1.0.3-1.vz7.src [12 KiB] Changelog by Dmitry Andreev (2016-08-11):
- Rename directory for crashdumps #PSBM-50823
 - Collect light coredumps for vz* applications #PSBM-50895
 - create dirs in a proper way (Alexander Stefanov-Khryukin
<[email protected]>)
 - Added license terms (Dmitry Mishin <[email protected]>)
 - Fix folder creation during 'make install' (Denis Silakov
<[email protected]>)
 - For safety, create necessary folders during 'make install' if they are
missing (Denis Silakov <[email protected]>)

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7